Pulmonary Services: What Is Pulmonary Critical Care

Pulmonary critical care, or critical care medicine, is a specialized field of emergency medicine that focuses on patients suffering from injuries and diseases of the respiratory or pulmonary system, which includes the lungs, trachea, diaphragm, and related structures.

Critical care pulmonologists are specifically trained to provide life-saving care for patients who are experiencing respiratory issues, such as multi-system failure and other life-threatening situations. They often provide emergency care alongside other critical care physicians and intensivists to perform resuscitation and other procedures, typically from within intensive care units (ICUs) in hospitals, or from pulmonary clinics like ours: Pulmonary Associates Of Brandon.

Critical Care Medicine For Pulmonary Diseases

The main goal of critical care medicine is to stabilize patients suffering from pulmonary conditions that are affecting their ability to breathe. These conditions typically include respiratory failure, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma and chronic bronchitis, among many other conditions affecting the respiratory system.

Critical Care Services

For patients with life-threatening pulmonary conditions, critical care services and critical care pulmonologists are vital to every step of the process, from the initial assessment to diagnosis and treatment. Because so many of these pulmonary conditions affect all of the other parts of the body, a patient with cystic fibrosis may experience a complication that requires surgery on a seemingly unrelated part of the body. For any general health issue the patient has, critical care pulmonologists remain present and involved, to assure the respiratory health of the patient.

More Information

At Pulmonary Associates Of Brandon, our doctors are all Board Certified in Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Medicine. Therefore, they are able to treat critically ill patients from within the clinic, or at the hospital. To book an appointment with one of our pulmonary critical care specialists, contact us today!