Sleep Study Costs: Does Insurance Pay for Sleep Studies?

cost of a sleep study

Polysomnography? Oh gosh, that sounds expensive.

Well really, it is just the fancy word doctors use for a sleep study. Sleep studies are overnight exams that doctors conduct to diagnose sleep disorders. During the study, REM cycles, non-REM cycles, oxygen levels, eye movements, and heart rates are all observed by our sleep specialists who evaluate any issues the patient has during sleep. The most common sleep disorders our doctors find in patients during sleep studies are insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy.

So, if sleep studies help answer important questions about a patient's sleep health and are integral to creating a treatment plan... does insurance cover the sleep studies and if not, how much do the studies cost?

How much does a sleep study cost?

Yes, sleep studies are usually covered by health insurance.

Most sleep disorder centers are just like a regular doctor’s office and accept multiple insurance plans. This can make the entire process of going through a sleep study much easier, though it is always smart to check with your insurance company and plan first to see if they cover sleep study costs. Insurance companies are there to help, so never be afraid to ask questions.

There is no real estimate of how much a sleep study could cost. Some sleep disorder clinics could charge as little as $600 while some charge up to $5,000 a night. Because of the varying prices of studies, the amount of money insurance covers also varies.

When a patient pays their deductible for their insurance can affect how much money they are paying out of pocket as well.


Co-Payments for Sleep Studies

Co-payments are always due at the times of service, however. These co-payments can vary depending on the services being provided and how often they are being provided. These co-payments are not covered by any insurance plans and can be made with cash, check, or credit card.

Other Fees

Other fees that can come up while going through the process of a sleep study are ones that come with further testing. The doctor might want x-rays or labs that some insurance companies might not cover. Once again, it is always smart to check first, so there is no surprise when the bill comes.

The Importance of Sleep

If an insurance company is giving a patient a hard time, most sleep disorder centers will help back up the patient on the importance of the process. Not only does sleep help mental health, but it is also important for a person’s physical health. Sleep deficiency caused by disorders is found to increase heart and kidney disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Sleep studies that pinpoint a patient’s problem can be the first step in the process to prevent these further and more serious issues.

Read More: Common Questions About Sleep Studies


Fees Down the Road

Remember, a sleep study is to figure out what is going wrong with your sleep cycle. Because of this, there could be more fees for treatment, medication or other types of solutions. Sleep Apnea, for example, requires additional sleep studies and tests because of the severity of the problem. Keep this in mind and plan ahead with your insurance company.